Friday, August 03, 2007

Suze Orman tries to decipher the App-O-Rama Drama !

Well it looks like Suze Orman is going to do a show on August 4 entitled "App-O-Rama Drama". This will be very interesting, and we will keep you posted!

Readers on the financial forum at, where Apporama is very popular and many readers are experts at using AOR strategies, have been discussing the upcoming show.
  • Link to the Fatwallet App-O-Rama FAQ Discussion

  • Many people without debt simply put the 0% promotional money in the bank, to earn interest on the money before they pay it back. Many people in the Fatwallet forum have reported being able to deposit enough 0% money in banks to see interest income alone exceeding $15,000 per year! I will be watching the Suze show with great interest and will update after watching to see if she really DOES know the dollars and sense of App-O-Rama, since it is often misunderstood and widely criticized. Lets hope Suze gets it right for the sake of her millions of viewers!